Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hyper-Nesting Phase 2

Today, I may have seriously overdone it. Well, not really, but if you ask my mom, I did.

Since we moved into this house when I was 16, the two-car garage here has been FULL of total JUNK. We somehow managed to get one side of it clean enough so my mom could park her car inside. Today, I cleaned out the rest... ALL of it.

This entire little project was completely involuntary. I had already swept and hosed-out the side where my mom's car is usually parked; Maggi had pee-peed in that spot and I didn't want it to start smelling. That task alone almost had me exhausted. Then, the guys from the furniture store came and dropped off the new couch for the downstairs. Upon going back into the garage, I discovered they had knocked over one of the pots full of soil, and dirt was everywhere. I was a little ticked-off, but after they just hauled off a couch and put a new one in (and moved the stuff in the garage so they could do so) all by themselves, I figured I'd just clean it up. That's where it all started. I couldn't effectively sweep because of all the crap in the way, so I decided to move it all. I picked up box after box, sorted through old pictures, old toys, old trophies, put all of my step-dad's things into two giant tubs and moved those... I did it all.

Mom and I had been saying for a couple months (at least) that we were going to clean it out together so that I could get my car into the other side. It needed to be done, not only because that's what a garage is supposed to be for, but so that Keeli and I could get inside without dealing with the outside elements during the hot summers and cold winters. Mom came home today and was absolutely surprised, and then worried. (I also hadn't eaten until around 3p.m. because I had been cleaning since around 10a.m.) "Go upstairs, sit down, let me fix you something to eat, get off your feet, your ankles are so swollen". She's so sweet.

But then she told me: During both of her pregnancies with my older brother and sister, a week before they were born, she had a major spurt of energy that came out of nowhere except the feeling that certain things HAD to be taken care of RIGHT THEN. She asked me, "Are you sure this baby isn't coming anytime soon?" And I just laughed. She better not; she still has lots of growing to do!!!

I will be 36 weeks tomorrow, due around July 24th. I would really love to carry her as long as possible, and my doctor is even going to let me go until August 7th if we both stay as healthy as we have been. I don't want to not be pregnant, despite wanting to meet her so badly.

My arms are kind of sore, and I'm waiting on eBay to tell me I won the bid on the cloth diapers I was talking about yesterday (fingers crossed!). Just thought I'd document my recent triumph over Mount Trashmore in our garage. :)

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