Thursday, September 29, 2011

This video melts my heart. :)

Daddy's first diaper change and first time feeding a baby ever. And this is her first bottle ever as well. She was exclusively breastfed (though that's breast milk in the bottle) until I pumped a little earlier that morning due to being uncomfortably engorged. They did so well and I love seeing them together. <3

Life as a New Mommy

So, I don't have a whole lot of time right now (for obvious reasons). All I really have to say is that I am absolutely in LOVE with my life and this little girl we made. Words cannot describe how amazing she is.

She is growing so quickly! She was only 10 days new in this picture and I swear it seems like just yesterday that these were taken. She turned 6 weeks-old on Monday and she weighs ~12 pounds (next check up is in two weeks).

Her birth was beautiful... extremely long, extremely exhausting, but totally, indescribably awesome. I woke up on the Saturday before she was born around 3 a.m. having contractions that were long enough and intense enough in duration to keep me awake. So I was awake. All day Saturday and all night, as well as all day Sunday and all night, and then all day on Monday until she was born at 7:04 p.m. That's ~60 hours of labor (with no drugs... or sleep). I have to stress how tired I was. I knew, or I had been told, that first labors lasted a while, but DAYS?! Are you freakin' kidding me? It was worth it, though. I will never forget the first time I saw her little face, or the first time she breastfed, or her first diaper change... This is love.

OH! We found a really great pediatrician (courtesy of one of the amazing nurses at Women's East, Angie) who offers delayed and selective vaccinations. Angie heard us talking about having a hard time finding one, and about how the pediatrician at Women's East wouldn't even see Keeli when she was a day old because she hadn't had her shots. She referred us to Dr. Memon on Shallowford Road, and we just love her. :)

Keeli is smiling, giggling, babbling, and trying to roll over. I seriously feel like I'm getting old so quickly because of the rate she is developing and growing.

I am SO blessed and even more grateful... I can't even remember what I used to do with my time before this little angel came along.